
New York - The city that never sleeps

New York is located around the mouth of the Hudson River, which flows in a wide, almost unfrozen and convenient shipping bay. Although the capital of United States is Washington, in fact the political center of the country is New York. It operate a number of universities (Columbia, etc.)., About 300 theaters, 50 museums, of which the most famous are the Metropolitan Museum "Guggenheim" and others.

In downtown Manhattan is an island, 21.6 kilometers long and 3.7 kilometers wide and up. Harlem sleeve separates it from the "mainland" and dozens of bridges, tunnels and ferries connect it with neighboring regions. Remarkable is the Brooklyn Bridge, built from 1867 to 1883, a long time the longest suspension bridge in the world. In the middle of Manhattan vast stretches "Central Park."

Attention is attracted thousands of skyscrapers "Manhattan." In the most southern point of the island is Battery Park, where a ship can go to the small island of freedom with the famous Statue of Liberty. This work of Bartlodi was built in 1886 as a gift from France. Is 45 meters high and is mounted on a 47-foot pedestal. The Statue of Liberty is known worldwide as a symbol of the United States. More than one hundred years the statue, facing the Strait Verrazano Nraous, rises above the New York harbor. This huge majestic figure of a woman dressed in a robe with a torch in hand Liberty Island, greets arriving on the shores of the New World, numerous waves of immigrants.

Here is the financial district where the financial heart of New York. The main building is a stock exchange. To the west is the huge cylindrical sports hall for 20,000 spectators, "Madison Square Garden". To the east is visible tallest skyscraper in the city "Empire State Building" with 102 stories and 381 meters high.

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